Suzana Mara Sacchi Padovano
Academic Background:
Master's Degree Candidate, in Urban abd Regional Development, FAU/UFPE - Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil;
Architect and Urbanist. FAU/UFPE, Recife,1986.
Professional Experience:
Consultant in Heritage, Secretary of Education and Culture, Municipal Government, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE, Brazil, 1994-1993;
Consultant, Secretary of Planning, Municipal Government, Goiana, PE, Brazil, 1992-1989; Owner and Director, Vitória de Andrade Arquitetura, with various public projects in architecture and urbanism for the private and publc sectors (mostly in restoration and urban requalification for public agencies and entities such as FUNDAJ, IPHAN, Municipal Government of the City of Recife and other cities ofPernambuco),1987 onwards.
Other Positions:
Organizer of international events on architecture and urbanism such as the '19th CBA – Brazilian Congress of Architects - "Arquitetura in Transition', 'CBD Recife Workshop – Design and Business', 'Workshop: The Integration of Waters with Urban Dynamization: Means of Feasibility”; 'Recife Living Utopia" - 1st Workshop of Urban Design' and the '2nd Cycle of Debates in Architecture - “Architecture and Cultural Identity”, Recife, 1992-2010; President, IAB-PE Institute of Brazilian Architects / Department of Pernambuco, Recife, 2009-2013; Coordinator, Course of Architecture, School of Architecture of Pernambuco - FAUPE, Recife, 1989-1994; Professor, FAUPE - Area of Theory and History, Recife,1988-1995.