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Victor Chinaglia

Regional Director Americana, SP, Brazil

Academic background:

Architect and Urbanist, CAU/PUCCAMP - Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, SP, Brasil, 1989.


Professional experience:

Liberal professional, Americana, SP, Brazil, 1990 onwards.


Other positions:

Regional Coordinator, CAU/SP - Counsil of Architecture and Urbanism / Department of São Paulo, Campinas, 2018; Director, SASP - Sindicate of Architects in the State of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2014-2022;  Founder and Coordinator, Móbile Magazine, CAU/SP, São Paulo, 2013-2014; Coordinator of the 1st Conference, CAU/SP, São Paulo, 2013; Full Counselor, CAU/SP, Campinas, during two mandates, 2012-2017; Director and technical manager of the 'Cooperativa Braço Forte de Engenharia,  Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Construção', Americana, 2012; Financial Coordinator, 9th BIA - International Biennial of Architecture of São Paulo, 2011; Director, FNA - National Federation of Architects, Brasília, DF, Brazil, 2015-2017; Director, IAB/SP - Institute of Architects of Brazil / Department of São Paulo, 2008-2012; Full Counselor, CONSEMA - State Counsil for the Environment, 2008-2012; Counselor, COSU - Superior Counsil, IAB/DN - Institute of Architects of Brazil / National Direction, Brasília, 2008-2011; Secretary of the Environment, Municipal Government of  Americana, 2005-2008; Secretary of Planning, Municipal Government of Americana, 2002-2004; ; Member of the Counsil for Development, RMC - Metropolitan Region of Campinas, 2001-2008; Director of Urbanism, Municipal Government of Americana, 2000-2002.




"Hiperterritório", Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil 

"Hyperterritory", Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil

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