Silvana Cambiaghi
Academic background:
Educator, Courses of the ITAÚ CULTURAL FOUNDATION, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2020 onwards; Educator, EGG - School of Management in Gastronomy - Universal Design, São Paulo, 2017 onwards; Educator, Courses related to the Norms of Accessibility of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms – ABNT, 2013 onwards; Coordinator and Educator, Courses of the São Paulo Municipality (Courses on Continued Education and Certification in Accessibility), São Paulo, 2013-2017; Educator, National Service of Commercial Learning – SENAC, São Paulo, 2000-2010; Architect and Urbanist, Master in Urban Environmental Structures in "Universal Design", FAU/USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004.
Professional experience:
Partner and Director, Design Universal Consultoria S/S LTDA ME, 2006 onwards, with design and consulting, amongst which are to be highlighted: Pacaembu Sport Complex, São Paulo; ARENA MRV, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil; Cultural Center of the Moreira Salles Institute - IMS, Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil; Design for an Accessible Beach in Bertioga, with Access to the Sea and Shaded Area, Bertioga, SP, Brazil; Accessibility design for the access to Fortaleza de Santo Amaro da Barra Grande, Guarujá, SP, Brazil; Convent Our Lady of Conception, Itanhãem, SP, Brazil; United Nations project, a sustainable multiuse complex, composed by a MixuseTower, a Corpirative Tower and Carrefour in Chácara Santo Antônio; Extension Project of MASP - Museum of Art of São Paulo e connecting gallery between MASP and the Extension Building, São Paulo; Helbor Wide Building, São Paulo; Mônica Park, located in the SP Market, São Paulo; Theater in the B32 complex, São Paulo; New Administrative Center of the metallurgy and Mining Company - CBMM, Araxá, MG, Brazil; Corporative Center Itaú-Unibanco, 6th Tower, São Paulo; Units of the Hotel Networks such as Intercity, Estanplaza, Meliá and Accor Network in São Paulo; Enterprises for Construction Companies such as BRIO, Bueno Neto, CONX, Construcompany, Cury, Helbor, MRV, Nortis, Calper, amongst others.
Other positions:
Founder and currently President of CPA - Permanent Commission on Accessibility, São Paulo Municipality – , 2017 onwards; Member, Revision Group of the Brazilian Technical Norm - NBR 9050 - “Adequacy of Buildings and Urban Furniture for People with Deficiency”, versions 1994, 2004, 2015 and 2020; Design and Curatorship, Special Saloon “Accessibility to the Meio Físico” at the 3rd BIA - International Biennial of Architecture of São Paulo, 1997; Author of the book "Universal Design: Methods and Techniques for Architects and Urbanists". SENAC, São Paulo, 2017, amongst others.