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Shirley Vaz Vedovate
Regional Director, Praia Grande, SP, Brazil
Academic background:
MBA, Health Management USP - University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2021-2022; Graduate student, Elderly Health, UNIFESP - federal University of São Paulo, Santos, SP, Brazil, 2020-2021; Graduation, Architecture of Hospitals, laboratories and clinics, UNIP - Paulista University, Santos, 2017-2019; Architect and Urbanist, CAU/UNG - Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade de Guarulhos, SP, Brazil, 1996.
Professional experience:
Partner Director, SV2 Arquitetura + Saúde, Santos, 1997 onwards.
Other positions:
Member, ABDEH - Brazilian Association for the Development of Hospital Buildings, São Paulo, 2015-2018.

ARTSMILE Odontology, Santos, SP, Brazil.
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