Renato de Melo Rocha
Diretor Estadual, Goiás, Brazil
State Director, Goiás, Brazil
Academic background:
Professor, CAU/UniEVANGÉLICA - Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Evangélica University, Anápolis, GO, Brazil, 2012; Master in Architecture and Urbanism, CAU/UnB, Course of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Brasília, Brazil, 2007; Professor, FAU/UEG - School of Architecture and Urbanism, State University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil, 2007; Specialist in Housing Planning and Social Inclusion, CAU/PUC/GO - Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia, 2003; Professor, CAU/PUC/GO, Goiânia, 2002; Professor, CAU/UNIP/GO - Course of Architecture and Urbanism, Paulista University / Goiás, Goiânia, 2000; Professor in Specialization Courses, SENAI - National Service of Industrial Education, UEG, ITCO - Center/West Institute of Technological Development and IPOG, Goiânia, 2000 onwards; Specialist in Urban and Environmental Planning, FAU/PUC/GO, Goiânia, 2000; Architect and Urbanist, CAU/PUC/GO, Goiânia, 1986.
Professional experience:
Partner Director, REARQ – ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO, Goiânia, 1996 onwards.
Other positions:
Member, SINDUSCON-GO Syndicate of Civil Construction in the project for the House of the Future (PISAC), Goiânia, 2020; Delegate, XXIII International Congress of Architects, IUA - International Union of Architects, Istanbul,Turkey, 2009; Coordinador, XXVIII Brazilian Architects Congress, Goiânia, 2006; Delegate, XXII International Congress of Architects, IUA - International Union of Architects,Turin, Italy, 2005; Federal Counselor, CONFEA - Federal Council of Engineering and Architecture, Brasília, 2004-2007; Member, National Council of the Rights of the Handicapped – CONADE, Presidency of the Repúblic, Brasília, 2003-2007; State Director of Urban Settlements, Goiânia, 1997-2000; President, IAB/GO - Institute of Architects of Brazil / Department of Goiás, Goiânia,1994-2003.

Planos e projetos urbanos
Urban plans and design