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Nicolas Fiedler


Researcher in Advanced Design

Academic background:

Latu Sensu Course, 'Sustainable Building Design', EDX, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., EUA, 2019; Latu Sensu Course, "The Architecture Imagination', EDX, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2918; student of Architecture and Urbanism, FAUS - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Santos, Brazil, 2014-; Student in Business Administration, PUC/RS - Pontificial Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS. Brazil, 2009-2012.


Professional experience:

CEO, Ommda Design, São Paulo, 2021 onwards; Ceo, PYE, São Paulo, 2021 onwards; partner, Floating House, São Paulo, 2020 onwards; partner Layback Park, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, 2020 onwards; Director of Creation, Fiedler Engenharia, Guarujá, SP, Brazil, 2017 eonwards; Assemblage Coordinator, Fiedler Engenharia, Guarujá, 2013 onwards; Industrial Designer, Fiedler Engenharia, Guarujá, 2013-2017.


Floating Structure

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