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Maria Martha Nader

Diretora Regional, Cotia, SP, Brasil

Academic background:

Cursed the Master's degree program in Biology, Biosciences Institute of the University of São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 1989-1991; Architect and Urbanist, FAU/USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo,1986; Studied Biological Sciences, Biosciences Institute. University of São Paulo,1981-1987. 


Professional experience:

Founder and Partner/Director, ECOHABITAR Arquitetura e Construção', Cotia, SP, Brazil, 2005 onwards; Consultant in the physical implementation and informatization of rural properties, brazilian rural society, in São Paulo, and Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings - ABRASEM, Brasília, DF, Brazil, 1992-1994.


Other positions:

Counselor, Consultative Council,AETEC - Association of Architects, Engineers and Technicians of Cotia, 2013-2017;  Counselor of the Environmental Council,representing Architects and Engineers, Cotia, 2012-2017;  Member, CBCS - Brazilian Council of Sustainable Construction, São Paulo, 2009 onwards.

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Sibipiruna Residence, aerial view, Cotia, SP. Brazil.

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