Joice Joppert Leal
Academic background:
Self-taught Cultural Promoter, specialized in Brazilian Design and Creative Economy, São Paulo, SP, Brazil,1973 onwards.
Professional experience:
Founder and Executive Director, Brazilian Institute of Creative Economy - IBRAEC, São Paulo, 2014 onwards; President, Humour Saloon of Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2002 and 2004; Founder and Executive Director, Objeto Brasil Association, OSCIP – Civil Society of Public Interest, São Paulo, 1996 onwards; Implementing Partner and Executive Director, Department of Technology and Industrial Design Nucleus, FIESP - Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo , 1980-2002; Articulator e executive Secretary, Commission on Design linked to The Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo, 1980; Founder and Executive Director, Associação Objeto Brasil Foundation, OSCIP – Civil Society of Public Interest, São Paulo, 1996 onwards; Founder and Partner, Sérgio Rodrigues Equipamentos de Interior, Rio de Janeiro, 1969-1974; Promoter of Trade, Investments, Organization of Fairs, Commercial Missions and Market Research, Brazil's General Consulate, Milan, Italy, 1973-1979; Promoter, Mobilínea and Mobília Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, 1966 and 1969.
Other positions:
Invited Member, ICSID - International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, IDSA - Industrial Designers Society of America and IFI – International Federation of Architects and Interior Designers, 2010 onwards;Counselor, International Council of World Design Capital Seoul 2010, at the invitation of the Mayor of Seoul, South Korea, 2009 onwards; Curator of exhibitions, missions, seminars on Design, Innovation and Creative Economy in Brazil and abroad, in countries such as Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, South Korea, England, France, Portugal, Japan, in more than 12 American cities, amongst which Washington and New York, USA, 2008-2015.
IDEA Brasil design Award