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Ivanise Lo Turco

Consultant in the Preservation and Conservation of Architectural Heritage

Academic Background:

Ph.D. in Architectural Design, FAU/USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, 2009; Master in Architecture and Urbanism, FAUMACK - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the Mackenzie Presbytarian University , São Paulo, 2002; Graduate Studies in History of Art, Latu Sensu Program - Specialization in the restauration of paintings and works of art by MAM - Museum of Modern Art, FAAP - Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation, Sao Paulo, 1992-95; Architect and Urbanist, School of Architecture and Urbanism Farias Brito (currently UnG - University of Guarulhos), Guarulhos,SP, Brazil,1978.


Professional Experience:

Architect and Urbanist, in the offices of architects Julio Neves, Croce, Aflalo e Gasperini, Fernando Malheiros de Miranda, José Lucena, amongst others, as well as in personal design work, Sao Paulo, 1978 em diante;


Other positions:

Participant uf the 10th masters and Councellors - Multiplying Agents of Heritage, Belo Horizonte, MG, Braszil, 2018; Participant of the I and II - International Seminar of the professional Dimension, as organizer and participant,Sao Paulo, 2017 and 2018; Participant of the III international Congress of Sustainable Collective Housing, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2018; Participant of congresses organized by ICOM - International Committe of Museums, TALLER TOTAL, Cordoba, Argentine, 2017, and Milan, Italy, 2016; Member of ICOM,, Sao Paulo, 2005 onwards.


Pesquisa sobre processo de projeto da Pinacoteca de São Paulo (Arq. Paulo Mendes da Rocha), Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil

Research on the design process for the Sao Paulo Art Gallery (Arch. Paulo Mendes da Rocha), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

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