Cristina Ferraz
State Director, São Sebastião, Brazil
Academic background:
Specialized in Environmental Control in Seaside Real Estate Development, University of São Paulo, School of Public Health, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2000; Course in Landscape Design and Composition of Species, Paulista School of Landscape Architecture, São Paulo,1997;
Course in Steel Structures, SASP - Syndicate of Architects of São Paulo,1989; Architect and Urbanist, FAU/UCS - School of Architecture and Urbanism / Catholic University of Santos, SP, Brazil, 1987.
Professional experience:
Architect Director, Construtora Ferraz Rodrigues, Santos, 2016 onwards.
Other positions:
Counselor, CREA - Regional Council of Engineering, Agronomy and Architecture, Santos, 2009-2011;
Member of the Board, Association of Engineers, Architects and Agronomists of São Sebastião, SP, Brazil, 1999-2000, 2001-2002 e 2007-2008.

Residence JB, São Sebastião, SP, Brazil