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Cibele Riva Rumel
Consultant in Urban Planning and Design of Sustainable Settlements
Academic Background:
Ph.D. Candidate, FAUMACK / School of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie University, São Paulo, from 2019 onwards; Master of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Environmental Design, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA, 1980;
Master of Urban Design, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, EUA, 1978; Architect and Urbanist, FAU/MACK, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 1976.
Professional Experience:
Partner-Director, CITTÀ Desenvolvimento Urbano, São Paulo, from 2007 onwards.
Other positions:
President, GRAPROHAB – Group for the Analysis and Approval of Housing Projects of the State of São Paulo, 1998-2007.

Planejamento e Projeto de Condomínio Sustentável em Ibiúna, SP, Brasil
Planning and Design of a Sustaibale Condominium in Ibiuna, SP, Brazil
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