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Cátia Rocha Vicentini Gottiniaux

Coordinator of Commercial Relations

Academic Background:

MBA in Real Estate, POLI – USP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2012; Architect and Urban Planner, FAU – USP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2001.


Professional Experience:

Coordinating Architect (real estate development), Five Engenharia, São Paulo, 2012 onwards; Coordinating Architect (real estate and product development), CCDI (Camargo Corrêa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário), São Paulo, 2009-2012; Architect and Urban Planner, Tael Incorporações e Construções Ltda., São Paulo, 2008-2009; Architect and Urban Planner, MCAA Arquitetos, São Paulo, 2006-2008; Architect and Urban Planner, AMP – Architecture of Metropolitan Post, Hangzhou, China, 2005; Associate Architect, Padovano Arquitetura em Rede, São Paulo, 2001-2006.

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Arco simbólico para o Novo Distrito Industrial de Ningbo, China

Symbolic arch for the New Industrial District in Ningbo, China

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