Walter Brant Zaroni de Paiva
Formação acadêmica:
Professor, Paulista University – UNIP, São José dos Campos, SP. Brazil, 2014 -2016; Master in Urban and Regional Planning, UNIVAP – Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, São José dos Campos, 2003; Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism, UNIVAP, São José dos Campos, 1996; Technician in Mechanics, ETEP – Professor Everardo Passos Technical School, São José dos Campos, SP, 1990.
Experiência profissional:
Professional with technical responsibility and direction, Municipal Government of São José dos Campos and Association of Engineers and Architect of São José dos Campos, 2003 onwards; Intern, Engineering SA, Shopping Vale Sul, São José dos Campos, 1994; Intern, Freire Rosa Engenharia e Construção, São José dos Campos, 1995; Intern, Prefeitura Municipal de São José dos Campos, 1995.
Outros cargos:
Vice President, CDTCC - Center of Technological Development for Civil Construction, São José dos Campos, 2018 onwards; Technical Director, Chamber of Urbanism in the Association of Engineers and Architects of São José dos Campos, 2015 onwards; Member, CMDU - Municipal Council of Urban Development, representing the Association of Engineers and Architects of São José dos Campos, 2004-2011 and from 2017 onwards; Member of the Council of the Cassiano Ricardo Cultural Foundation, representing IAB/NVP - Institute of Brazilian Architects , Nucleus of the Paraíba Valley, São José dos Campos, 2013-2016; President, IAB/NVP, São José dos Campos, 2012-2016; Lieutenant Architect, Brazilian Air Force, Group of Support Infrastructure of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology – GIA-SJ/DCTA, São José dos Campos, 2013-2015.

'Union Park' Public Competition, CONFEA, 1st Place, São José dos Campos, Brazil